Fhotos KNPB Support PIF metting in PNG |
In Jayapura, under the terror of Indonesian military, West Papuan people mediated by the West Papua Natioanl Committee (Komite Nasional Papua Barat/KNPB) urge PIF to accept United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) to become obeserver in PIF.
"We urge our Pacific Leaders to accept ULMWP as Observer so that the West Papuan issue can be discussed in the forum", said Agus Kossay, vise chairman of KNPB.
Meanwhile, at Cenderawasih University, mass demonstration under the coordinator of Papua Student Alliance (Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua/AMP) and GEMPAR demand the PIF and UN Fact Finding Mission to be sent in West Papua.
The people also protested against PNG's Government who did not allow Benny Wenda to PNG. "Benny wenda is our leader, owner of the land, PNG why?" asked people.
Maaf pak anton kami tdk butuh bangunan,ekonomi, makanan, minuman, ttp kami hanya butuh berdiri sendiri di atas kaki kita sendiri seperti bapak yang sekarang beridiri diatas kaki anda sendiri.