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Although West Papua has declared itself as an independent and sovereign country, but independence was only 19 days old, since December 19, 1961 President Sukarno issued Tri Command of the People in the North Square of Yogyakarta whose contents: First Foiled Formation "Puppet State of Papua" artificial Dutch Colonial, two hoist the Red and White in West Irian Indonesia Third country prepared for a general mobilization in order to maintain the independence and unity of the country and nation.
The realization of the contents of this Trikora, then President Sukarno as Commander of the Supreme Command West Irian Liberation issued Presidential Decree No. 1 of 1962 which ordered the Commander of the Mandala, Major General Suharto to carry out a military operation in the West Irian region to seize the territory of the Dutch.
Finally made some waves Military Operations in West Papua with a military unit deployed to operations by air infiltration phase as Banten Kedaton Operation, Operation Garuda, Operation Wolf, hare Operation, Operation Dragon, Operation Eagle, Operation barn, Operation Jatayu. Seaborne operation was Operation Show of Rorce, Chakras Operation, and Operation dolphins. While the exploitation phase done Jayawijaya Operations and Special Operations (Opsus).
Through this operation occupied territories of West Papua, and suspected of many Papuans who had been slaughtered at that time.
The struggle now being echoed in West Papua and internationally. Indonesia in real political control of the State of West Papua and the West which in real control of the economy.
Indonesian control of West Papua with "stubborn" to not listen to the demands of the independence. Demands for independence of West Papua is considered as an illegal attempt (illegal or invalid) so that the people of West Papua is given some silly cap as separatist, subversive, anti-development, stupid, and other rebels. All of this stamp into a "license" for the Indonesian official and First World countries to keep embed hegemony through the colonial practices, such as providing a "package" Special Autonomy, Expansion Region (Province / District), UP4B, Autonomous Plus Transmigration of murder, rape, responsiveness and arbitrary imprisonment unlawful, torture and some other types of crimes until this moment.
The signing of the New York Agreement (New York) between Indonesia and the Netherlands which was witnessed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, U Thant and US Ambassador to the UN, Ellsworht Bunker on 15 August 1962. Some of the main points in the agreement as well as the deviations are no irregularities.
1. New York Agreement (Covenant, New York) is an agreement that is not valid, both legally and morally. Perjanjanjian New York was talking about the status of the land and the fate of the people of West Papua, but in the process did not involve the official representatives of West Papua.
2. Since May 1, 1963, to coincide with the Unites Nations Temporrary Executive Administratins (UNTEA) or the United Nations Interim Administration in West Papua menyerakan remit to Indonesia, the Indonesian government subsequently began to put its military forces in large numbers in all the land of Papua, as a result of political rights and human rights are brutally violated beyond the limits of humanity.
3. Article XVIII paragraph (d) of New York Agreement provides that "The eligibility of all adults, of male and female, not foreign nationals to Participate in the act of self-determination to be Carried out in accordance whit international practice this rule means of self-determination should be done by every adult Papuan men and women who are residents of Papua at the time of the signing of the New York Agreement. But this is not enforced.
Act of (PEPERA) 1969 conducted by local Indonesian way, namely deliberation by 1025 from a total of 600,000 adult men and women. While from 1025 people chosen to vote, only 175 people who deliver or read text that has been prepared by the Indonesian government. In addition, people of West Papua who are outside the country, which at the signing of the New York Agreement was not given the opportunity to engage in the self-determination.
4.Teror, intimidation and killings carried out by the military before and shortly Act of 1969 to win the 1969 Act of unilaterally by the government and the Indonesian military. The proof is the Secret Letter 172 Military Commander, Colonel Blego Soemarto, No .: R-24/1969, addressed to the Regent Merauke Merauke district as members of the officials, the contents of the letter:
"If at the time the poll is required the replacement of members Demus (the council), its replacement is done long before MUSAYAWARAH PEPERA.
If the reasons are reasonable for the replacement was not obtained, while on the other hand it is considered essential that members need to be replaced because it would endanger PEPERA victory, must take a way that 'unnatural' to get rid of the relevant members of the court before the start of the trial Demus PEPERA PEPERA . ... In conclusion of my letter is that PEPERA absolutely must be won, either naturally or as a 'no' reasonable. "Given that the working area of the district commander 172 may include other districts outside the Merauke district, it should be assumed harsh letter secret or less the same contents are also sent to the other regents.
In 1967 Freeport-McMoRan (an American company) signed a Contract of Work with the Indonesian government to open a copper and gold mine in the Star Mountains, Papua Barat. Freeport started operations in 1971. The second Employment Contract signed on December 30, 1991. The interests of the United States in West Papua, which is marked by the signing of the Employment Contract between Freeport and the government of the Republic of Indonesia, became a reality. This was two years before the Act of 1969 held in West Papua. There was an awkwardness juridical, because West Papua from 1962 to 1969 can be categorized as an area of dispute.
Act of 1969 is invalid because it was done by a system of "deliberation" (Indonesia local system) that is contrary to the letter and spirit of New York Agreement, in addition to the Act of 1969 was won by Indonesia through terror, intimidation, arrests, and murder (violation of the law, essence of human rights and democracy). PEPERA victory in disability law and morality is ultimately approved by the United Nations passed Resolution No. 2509 and ratified by the Government of Indonesia through Presidential Decree No. 7 of 1971.
Therefore Indonesian rule in West Papua illegal, we the people of West Papua have never acknowledged the existence of Indonesia in West Papua. So we will continue to fight even if lives are at stake, because the power NRI in Papua threat of annihilation.
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